Monday, October 19, 2015

Tokens of Where You have been

The other day my wife and I walked into and through a short section of woods on the edge of our yard. We have about 100 feet of yard and then a short 20 foot section of woods. We were there looking at some new construction that is taking place on the property behind ours. As we did so we were reluctantly facing the reality that we will soon have new neighbors 150 feet or so behind our house. Thankfully there is, as I said, a small section of woods between our yard and the property being developed. It only took us a few seconds to pass through those woods, we looked around on the construction site for a few moments and then returned to our home.

On the way back I felt something itchy on my right side. Reaching down I found a bur, and I meticulously removed it. Sometimes you have to pull them out piece by piece. Then I found another, and another, and then a group of five or six of them. My first thought was how the fact they attach themselves so easily to us led to the development of velcro. The burs have small hooks on the end of them that can attach to almost anything. The plants with burs use animals to transport their seed pods to new locations to spread the species. There are things in this world that are trying to attach themselves to you, and they are very good at what they do!

Now for the spiritual lesson, I was amazed how so little contact could leave such a large and almost unnoticed deposit on me. This can happen both positively and negatively. In a few moments walk I picked up burs, dirt on my shoes, pollen on my clothes, and God only knows what else. I have a man in my church who almost died from a mosquito bite, how long do you think that interaction took? We can have things attach themselves to us in the briefest of moments, that can have long lasting effects. You think you can watch hours of TV and not be influenced?

On a positive note, we can also have things attach themselves to us when we are in places that are healthy for our spirit. One of my all time favorite quotes is the following: "It is only by waiting before the throne of grace that we become endued with the Holy Fire. He who waits there long and believingly will imbibe that Fire and come forth from his communion with God bearing tokens of where he has been." It always reminds me to be wary of bad burs and to earnestly seek Godly tokens of where I have been. What has attached itself to you? Keep your fire burning!

Monday, September 28, 2015

A 911 Miracle and Lesson

In the photo above are Rick Del Rio and Jack Lagatella. The photo was taken on September 20th, 2001 just a few days after the disaster and a few blocks from Ground Zero. Rick Del Rio was the evangelical liaison to Mayor Rudy Guiliani in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist bombings in NYC. I had traveled with Jack, and another pastor friend, Randy Anson, with the hopes of connecting with family members, firemen, police and others who were struggling in the aftermath of that disaster. Ground Zero was in lock down, but because Jack had been acquainted with Rick Del Rio, and the credentials he had from the mayor, we were able to get to the site passing 7 military and police checkpoints. (I never thought in my life I would see military personnel with machine guns on the streets of NY).

After meeting Rick we were getting ready to go to Ground Zero, when we were stopped by a phone call from some other pastors who had come to the area and wanted to go there also. 

While waiting we were told the amazing story of one of the members of Rick's church. She had worked in the world trade center and was up for a promotion. She was the most senior, most qualified, and seemingly the person most likely to get that promotion. She was passed over for a man who was junior to her. As a black woman she got angry and felt color and gender played into the situation. She let God know that she wasn't happy about the situation. A few months later she was offered a better position with better pay than the one she originally had hoped to get. As a consequence of that promotion she was moved to a different location out of the World Trade Center. The man who got the job died in the WTC on 9/11. The lesson was simple, powerful, and poignant: the thing you may be complaining very loudly about, may be God's plan to save your life! That is why the bible says, "in everything give thanks." A lesson we need continual reminders of.

Also on that trip, my wife had arranged to get 100 copies of a CD entitled, "The Father's Love Letter." A compilation of scripture and music written as a love letter from God. (Link: The author had donated them to us for distribution at Ground Zero. We spent the better part of the day at Washington Square passing them out, talking to people and praying for them. I met one man who eagerly accepted one with prayer, he told me his daughter was one of the people in Twin Towers who was among the missing, and he was praying that she would be recovered alive. I will never forget the sadness is his face and eyes, the sadness of a father looking for a missing child. I knew, that for him, there would be no rest until the matter was settled. In the same way, our heavenly Father, roams the streets, alleys, and highways of this world, looking for His missing sons and daughters. God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved.

So I heard of a miracle with a happy ending, and I was painfully reminded of the need to work while it is day for the night comes when no man can work. -Keep your fire burning.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A Sad Farewell

Psalm 72:20 The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended.

     In my bible reading I came across this portion of scripture and a wave of nostalgia seemed to sweep over me. Life is full of hello's and goodbye's, today's blog is for those who may be stuck on a goodbye. Usually at the end of one year, news articles proliferate with pics and stories of the "stars," we lost in the previous year. We only know most of these people from afar, but some still pull very hard on our heart strings, such as the death/suicide of comedian Robin Williams. He was known the world over for his humor, but that only masked his private pain. We can all relate to that in one degree or another.
     David is one of my biblical heroes, and though I have never met him personally, reading this text evoked in me a profound sense of loss. His life has rippled across time, bringing encouragement, inspiration and joy to multiplied millions. (He being dead yet speaketh.) Yet like all of us will one day experience, there came a time that chapter of his journey ended. Solomon could have used a few more of his daddy's prayers, a few more meals together, a little more time huddling about the challenges facing the kingdom, but that was not to be. There came a day when Solomon had to walk on without his daddy.
     I am part Irish, and the Irish often use the song Danny Boy at funerals. (Though written by an Englishman) In part the lyrics are:

                          Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
                          From glen to glen, and down the mountain side
                         The summer's gone, and all the roses falling
                         It's you, it's you must go and I must bide.

                         But come ye back when summer's in the meadow
                         Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow
                         It's I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow
                        Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so.

     Various interpretations have been given to the song, mine is simply that the lyrics connect with the deep sorrow we often feel associated with a sad farewell.  Solomon was not left comfortless, he had a lifetime of memories of an awesome dad. Yet better than that, he had a hope that farewell was not forever. The Apostle Paul wrote that believers don't mourn the same as those who have no hope. Our goodbyes are really just, "I'll see you in a little bit." All of us are progressing to our own event horizon, beyond which we can no longer interact with those here until they also cross over. Mourning is a part of life as we now no it, how grateful I am to hold on to a promise that says there will be a day when there will be no more tears, no more farewells, no more sad parting. Because of that truth you don't have to live in the tears of loss, but you can live in the hope of reunion.

     My daughter-in-law whose father is an accomplished photographer recently took a picture of my son walking on a stone pier. The picture which is below spoke to me of sorrow and peace (rough waters, calm waters) of loneliness and hope (walking alone, but walking to a joyful destination) and with her permission I have included it here and added some appropriate words. I pray that it will minister comfort to any and all who are living through loss, and waiting for reunion.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I wish you were cold - Rev. 3:15

     This is what Jesus said in part to the church of Laodicea in the 3rd chapter of the book of Revelation. He is not speaking of a physical temperature, but a spiritual one. On the surface it seems a little bizarre at first glance. Surely, the Lord wants us all to be spiritually hot, doesn't He? Yes, He does. But in the passage Jesus is identifying 3 groups of people, 1 hot, 1 cold, 1 lukewarm. It seems He prefers cold to lukewarm, which seems odd when you think about it. I mean, wouldn't a little warmth be better than cold?
     I want to give a  reason why I think Jesus prefers cold to lukewarm. If you think about it, a cold man/woman are more open and likely to change. Take for example the idea of navigating through life. Some people will not accept any kind of guidance, until they come to the place where they realize they really need help.
     We all joke about it, but it seems to be a somewhat universal truth that men won't listen to advice for directions until they realize they are really lost. As long as there is the possibility that he might be going in the right direction, he plows on. It is only when he comes to the realization that every move he makes, makes things worse that he reaches out for help. The prodigal son didn't think about going home till he hit rock bottom. Cold people are more than likely to ask for help.
     Lukewarm people think they are ok the way they are, so they go on their merry way and get to a place where God can no longer speak into their life because they think everything is all right. Lukewarm is the place of dulled conscience, of coasting, of one foot in the church and one foot in the world. God prefers someone spiritually cold with whom He has a possibility of bringing change, to those whom He cannot while they are deaf in their ease with living in/for the world.
     The lesson and warning is, its best to be spiritually on fire, but if you aren't God may send an arctic blast your way to get you to the place where change is possible.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Until You Are Increased

Ex 23:30 Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land.

 Jabez prayed that God would enlarge his territory, and God gave him what he requested. (1 Chronicles 4:10) That seemed easy enough, but it doesn't always work out that way. Often before we can have increased territory we need to be personally increased, so the question becomes, "Are you waiting on God, or is He waiting on you?" In the text in Exodus, God clearly states that they needed to increase numerically to be able to possess what He had already given them. So the issue is not about getting more from God, but about being bigger in God to access what He has already made available.

Elisha asked Elijah for a double portion of his spirit, and Elijah said he had asked for a hard thing. What made it hard, God's ability to give, or man's ability to receive? The answer is only too apparent. My question in this blog is, are you asking for hard (big) things, and are you willing to let God do what is necessary to get you there?

There are two primary ways that I believe God increases his people. The first is through struggle. Ps 4:1  Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me [when I was] in distress... (KJV) When I was a young teenager I got a job in a store that among other things had a shoe shine business. Every now and then a customer would come complaining his shoes were a little too tight. We had a solution for that, it was called a shoe tree, here is a picture of one:

We would put it in the shoe and use the adjustment mechanism to make it a little larger than the shoe was. The leather would stretch over a couple of days, and then we would take it out and do it again. There were limitations, but in general leather has a certain amount of flexibility that can be utilized by stretching it. In the same way distressful situations can help you to grow by forcing you into situations which are bigger than what you normally could handle. Little by little we are increased.

The other way God increases people is much more pleasant. "Jude 1:20 But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith; praying in the Holy Spirit; " Praying in the Spirit builds you up (spiritual muscles, increases your capacity), and makes you able to have increased territory. This is not painful but is the opposite of that, it is the grace of God working through and bringing you to a higher level. This is my preferred method, but in my life I have learned God tends to use both. If you are going to pray big prayers for expanded territory know that God will use these methods to get you where you need to be. If you want to have a double portion, you are going to have to become a larger vessel. Praying in the Holy Ghost is a good way to keep the fire on your altar burning. Blessings!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Stupid Bible Laws, you shall not wear garments made out of mixed materials.

De 22:11 Don’t wear clothes of mixed fabrics, wool and linen together. (MSG version)

This particular law is a favorite of those who would like to tell us the Old Testament has no application for today. It is most often bandied about by those trying to make the biblical injunctions against homosexual behavior as irrelevant or ridiculous. Often those who mention it do it a mocking type fashion. The argument runs something like this: "Yes the OT forbids homosexual behavior, but those laws are so archaic and stupid, for example in Deuteronomy 22:11 it says you can't mix fabrics, how stupid is that, nobody follows that law today do they?" Those who make such arguments turn a blind eye to Jesus who said: Mt 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach [them], the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

So what should be our approach to these "archaic" laws that don't seem to make much sense. Since this is only a blog and not a place for a theological treatise, I will only briefly touch on the subject. First the Apostle Paul twice said the law is good, Romans 7:16; 1 Tim 1:8. But in this age in which we live, and being heavily influenced by western democratic ideals, we have our "modern," approach to the law. It runs something like this, if it makes sense, and I agree with it, than I will obey it. That type of living is summed up in this passage from the book of Judges: Judges 21:25 "In those days [there was] no king in Israel: every man did [that which was] right in his own eyes." History shows that to be one Israels most evil and backslid times. It sums up the theology of the age in which we live.

In our modern society there seems to be the opinion that the only parts of the bible we need to follow are the parts we understand and agree with. Every week it seems another megachurch pastor is coming out and saying he doesn't agree with hell, or that homosexuals if they get married are just as legitimate as heterosexual marriages. Jesus believed in hell, and very clearly taught it, but that matters little to these "enlightenend," ministers, because it doesn't fit with their idea of what a loving God is like. Clue for them: God doesn't have to fit in our box, as He told Moses, "I AM that I AM."

Getting back to the mixing of fabrics, on the surface it is a stupid law, but in point of fact it is genius. Let me explain. If God is omniscient, (and He is), then He understands how every activity and event ripples across the world and across time.
If we accept that God understands consequences that we have absolutely no ability to even remotely comprehend, than we must also accept that He will tell us to do things for which we can never fathom the reason behind. Somewhere along the line God must train us to trust, believe, and follow when things don't make sense, but are perfectly clear to Him. Look at this verse: De 8:2 "And you shall remember all the way which the LORD your God has led you in the wilderness these forty years, that He might humble you, testing you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not.

God made them walk in circles to test them to see if they would keep His commandments. How long will you follow God if it doesn't make sense to you? Why can't we mix wool and linen? It's a test to see if you will follow instructions that have no practical reason for you to follow. This is a very important principle: do you only follow the commands that make sense, that you agree with, that you understand the reasons behind, or do you trust God and do what He says.

If God tells you not to date someone, does He have to tell you why? If He says don't go into debt to buy a car, and your present job condition says you can easily make the payments, will you obey? What if He knows you are getting laid off in two month? Mixing fabrics seems like a silly rule to follow, unless you understand that it is teaches the principle that you are to follow God when it makes sense and when it doesn't. Can God make rules you don't like or understand, just to leave them as a test to see if you will obey Him? Why couldn't Jews eat a BLT? We used to try to explain that law by saying that pork was bad for us, playing again into the idea that for a rule to be from God it must have a logical and good reason we can understand behind it. If pork was bad for us and that was the reason for the law, then God should have banned a lot of other types of food, but He didn't. The pork law is a law that exists to test whether we obey God or we live by a rule that says we only obey when we agree and understand His laws.

The purpose of this post is not to tell people to live under all the OT laws, but rather I picked one law out that is often held up to scorn, and attempted to show through it, that we should follow God and not require Him to explain all the reasons for His decisions and leadings. Keep your fire burning.