Monday, June 4, 2012

A Branch Over the Wall

Ge 49:22  "Joseph is a fruitful vine, a fruitful vine near a spring, whose branches climb over a wall."

Joseph was a man who brought great blessing to the land of Egypt. The bible tells us Pharaoh had a dream of seven skinny cows eating seven fat cows, and when they were done they looked no better, they were still malnourished. Joseph interpreted it to mean 7 good years would be followed by 7 bad years, that would be so bad the 7 good years would be completely forgotten. He told Pharaoh that Egypt should prepare for what was ahead. Pharaoh hired Joseph, and through his efforts Egypt not only survived, but thrived in a very difficult time.

Joseph got to Egypt by being sold as a slave by his step-brothers. Nice family, huh? He didn't stop being fruitful or a blessing because of the harm done to him by others, but instead was a source of refreshing wherever he went. He decided to bloom where he was planted. In this case people outside of his kingdom (Israel) were  able to enjoy some of the fruit of his walk with God. Everyone has bad stuff happen to them, what the world needs more of is people who can continue to bear fruit in spite of the hurdles life, and others put in their way.

The text tells us 3 things about Joseph:
1. He was very fruitful. That is what God wants and expects from us.
2. He was planted and received nourishment from the spring he was planted near (Psalm 1). Irrespective of what life may throw at you, you will find that God will always see to it you have enough nutrition to prosper, flourish, and bear much fruit. Isaiah 5:1,2; and John 15 especially v. 8 and 16.
3. He climbed over the wall of his circle of family and friends and was a blessing to others who enjoyed the fruit his life was producing. Fruit is meant to be shared, not hoarded.

May God make you fruitful, and may your fruit nourish many who live on the other side of the wall. Keep your fire burning.

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